#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # Copyright 2010 Emma Rath. All rights reserved. # Soon this program will be released under an open source software license such as GNU General Public License or # Creative Commons license for Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License at creativecommons.org # perl -T renumberpdbatoms.pl -infile 1ZOY.pdb -add 200 # This perl program runs as a as a cgi script on a web server that displays web pages. # This perl program also runs as a batch program on the command line. # This program reads in a PDB 3D file, renumbers all the atoms in the file, # for lines starting with ATOM or HETATM (atom number is columns 7-11), # and for lines starting with CONECT (atom numbers in columns, 7-11, 12-16, 17-21, 22-26, 27-31), # by adding the given number to the atom number. # The given number can be a negative number (so that a number is subtracted from each atom number). use warnings; use strict; use diagnostics; use Getopt::Long; use Math::Complex; use Math::Trig; use CGI; use Data::Dumper; # $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; # print "var x = " . Dumper( $x ) . "\n"; # debug # my $wait_for_key_press = ; # debug my $q = new CGI; my $global; my $input; my $debug = ''; #=================================================================================================== #================================= MAIN ================================== #=================================================================================================== init(); get_program_mode(); if ($global->{'program_mode'} eq 'cgi-display-form') { display_html_form(); } elsif ($global->{'program_mode'} eq 'cgi-output') { get_html_input(); if ($global->{'got_error'} == 0) { build_and_output_results_for_html_output(); } else { display_html_form(); } } else { # $global->{'program_mode'} eq 'command-line' get_command_line_input(); if ($global->{'got_error'} == 0) { my $untainted_infile = untaint( $input->{'infile'} ); if ($untainted_infile eq '') { $untainted_infile = "renumberpdbatoms"; } my $output_file = $untainted_infile . ".pdb"; open( OUTFILE, ">$output_file") or die "Cannot open $output_file for writing\n"; build_and_output_results_for_command_line(); close OUTFILE; } else { output_command_line_help(); } } #=================================================================================================== # this is the main logic subroutine of this program for command-line mode. # given an input PDB file, process the input and produce the output. #=================================================================================================== sub build_and_output_results_for_command_line { build_the_output(); my @input_lines = @{$input->{'input_lines'}}; foreach my $line (@input_lines) { print OUTFILE "$line\n"; } } #=================================================================================================== # this is the main logic subroutine of this program for cgi-output mode. # given an input PDB file, process the input and produce the output. #=================================================================================================== sub build_and_output_results_for_html_output { build_the_output(); if ($input->{'whereto'} eq 'S') { # write output to the screen print $q->header(); print #$q->start_html(-title=>$text_title), "\n", '' . "\n", "\n"; print "\n"; my @input_lines = @{$input->{'input_lines'}}; foreach my $line (@input_lines) { $line =~ s/ / /g; $line = "$line
\n"; print $line; } print "
\n"; } else { # $input->{'whereto'} eq 'F' # write output to a file to be downloaded print $q->header("Content-type: text/plain"); my @input_lines = @{$input->{'input_lines'}}; foreach my $line (@input_lines) { print "$line\n"; } } if ($debug ne '') { print "$debug\n"; } } #=================================================================================================== # move the input PDB file contents to output, changing the residue numbering #=================================================================================================== sub build_the_output { # ATOM 4726 CE2 TYR A 622 85.569 38.124 138.803 1.00115.05 C # ATOM 4727 CZ TYR A 622 86.737 38.576 139.390 1.00115.85 C # ATOM 4728 OH TYR A 622 86.852 39.904 139.730 1.00116.74 O # ATOM 4729 OXT TYR A 622 84.283 32.238 138.506 1.00111.29 O # TER 4730 TYR A 622 # ATOM 4731 N PRO B 9 111.971 33.330 97.856 1.00 92.26 N # ATOM 4732 CA PRO B 9 112.160 34.798 97.760 1.00 92.31 C # ATOM 4733 C PRO B 9 111.127 35.407 96.816 1.00 93.29 C # ATOM 4734 O PRO B 9 110.966 34.956 95.677 1.00 92.89 O # HETATM 8 C4' FAD A 700 91.658 54.405 126.549 1.00 52.15 C # HETATM 9 O4' FAD A 700 91.040 54.647 125.317 1.00 56.02 O # HETATM 10 C3' FAD A 700 92.030 52.882 126.685 1.00 54.68 C # CONECT 1 3 4 5 7 # CONECT 2 5 18 23 39 # CONECT 3 1 # CONECT 4 1 # CONECT 5 1 2 my @input_lines = @{$input->{'input_lines'}}; my $add = $input->{'add'}; for ( my $i = 0; $i < @input_lines; $i++ ) { my $line = $input_lines[$i]; my $l = $i + 1; $line = trim($line); if ($line ne '') { my $change_this_line = 0; if (length($line) >= 11) { my $line_id = substr($line,0,6); if (($line_id eq 'ATOM ') or ($line_id eq 'HETATM') or ($line_id eq 'TER ')) { my $bit1 = substr($line,0,6); my $bit2 = substr($line,11); my $old_atom_id = trim(substr($line,6,5)); my $new_atom_id = abs($old_atom_id + $add); my $display_atom_id = sprintf("%5s", $new_atom_id); my $new_line = $bit1 . $display_atom_id . $bit2; $input_lines[$i] = $new_line; } elsif ($line_id eq 'CONECT') { my $j = 1; my $start_col = 5 + (($j - 1) * 5); my $end_col = 6 + ($j * 5); my $end_of_line = length($line); while ($end_col <= $end_of_line) { my $before_bit_length = 6 + (($j - 1) * 5); my $before_bit = substr( $input_lines[$i], 0, $before_bit_length); my $after_bit_start_col = 6 + ($j * 5); my $after_bit = substr( $input_lines[$i], $after_bit_start_col ); my $atom_id_start_col = 6 + (($j - 1) * 5); my $old_atom_id = trim(substr( $input_lines[$i], $atom_id_start_col, 5 )); my $new_atom_id = abs($old_atom_id + $add); my $display_atom_id = sprintf("%5s", $new_atom_id); my $new_line = $before_bit . $display_atom_id . $after_bit; $input_lines[$i] = $new_line; $j++; $end_col = 6 + ($j * 5); } } } } } $input->{'input_lines'} = \@input_lines; } #=================================================================================================== # this program is being called to display the HTML input form #=================================================================================================== sub display_html_form { html_header(); my $request_uri = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}; my @bits = split(/\//, $request_uri); my $pgm_name = $bits[$#bits]; print "

\n"; print "
\n", " \n"; if ($global->{'got_error'} == 1) { print " \n", " \n", " \n"; } print " \n", " \n", " \n"; print "
\n", "

" . $global->{'err_msg'} . "
Didn't process because of input error(s).

\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "Please provide a PDB file.
\n", "
\n", "Upload the PDB file from your computer.
Please note that this PDB file is not validated, so make sure that it is a valid PDB file.
\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "
Enter the PDB file contents here.
Please note that these PDB file contents are not validated, so make sure that they are valid PDB file contents.
(Provide either a file or enter the contents here, not both.
If both provided, then contents here will be processed instead of uploaded file.)

\n", "
\n", "Add this number to each atom number in the file : ", "", " (mandatory field, can be negative)

\n", "
\n", "Display results on screen
\n", "Write results to output file

\n", "
\n", "\n", "
\n", "
\n", "
\n"; html_footer(); } #=================================================================================================== # in command line mode - get the command line options, read the input file. #=================================================================================================== sub get_command_line_input { my $input_file; my $input_add; my $input_h; my $input_help; GetOptions( "infile=s" => \$input_file, "add=s" => \$input_add, "h" => \$input_h, "help" => \$input_help ); if (!defined $input_file) { die "Usage $0 -infile INPUTFILE -add NUMBER\n"; } if (defined $input_file) { $input->{'infile'} = $input_file; } if (defined $input_add) { $input->{'add'} = $input_add; } if (defined $input_h) { $input->{'h'} = $input_h; } if (defined $input_help) { $input->{'help'} = $input_help; } if ((defined $input_h) || (defined $input_help)) { $global->{'got_error'} = 1; } open INFILE, $input->{'infile'} or die $!; my @input_lines = ; my @new_input_lines; foreach my $line (@input_lines) { chomp($line); push(@new_input_lines, $line); } $input->{'input_lines'} = \@new_input_lines; } #=================================================================================================== # get the input from the html form, so can process the input #=================================================================================================== sub get_html_input { my $params = $q->Vars; if (defined($params->{'add'})) { if ($params->{'add'} ne '') { my $input_add = trim( $params->{'add'} ); if (is_valid_add_number($input_add) == 1) { $input->{'add'} = $input_add; } else { $global->{'got_error'} = 1; $global->{'err_msg'} .= $global->{'err_msg'} . "The number to add that you entered is not a valid integer.
\n"; } } } if (defined($params->{'whereto'})) { if ($params->{'whereto'} ne '') { my $input_whereto = trim( $params->{'whereto'} ); $input->{'whereto'} = uc($input_whereto); if (($input->{'whereto'} ne 'S') and ($input->{'whereto'} ne 'F')) { $input->{'whereto'} = 'S'; } } } my @input_lines; $input->{'input_lines'} = \@input_lines; my $user_provided_pdb_contents = 0; if (defined($params->{'pdb_contents'})) { my $pdb_contents = trim( $params->{'pdb_contents'} ); if ($pdb_contents ne '') { $user_provided_pdb_contents = 1; my @pdb_lines = split(/\n|\r/, $pdb_contents); foreach my $pdb_line (@pdb_lines) { $pdb_line = trim($pdb_line); if ($pdb_line ne '') { push( @input_lines, $pdb_line ); } } } } if ( (defined($params->{'upload_file'})) && ($user_provided_pdb_contents == 0)) { my $upload_file = $q->param('upload_file'); my $upload_filehandle = $q->upload('upload_file'); if ($upload_file ne '') { if ($upload_filehandle eq '') { $global->{'got_error'} = 1; $global->{'err_msg'} .= "The upload didn't work. Probably your file is too big - bigger than 5MB.
"; } else { # read the uploaded file my @uploaded_lines; my $user_data = ''; while ( <$upload_filehandle> ) { my $input_line = $_; chomp($input_line); push( @input_lines, $input_line ); } } } } if ($global->{'got_error'} == 0) { my $num_input_lines = $#{$input->{'input_lines'}}; if ($num_input_lines < 1) { $global->{'got_error'} = 1; $global->{'err_msg'} .= "No input PDB lines were given. Please enter your PDB file contents or upload a PDB file.
"; } } } #=================================================================================================== # figure out whether this program is being called to display the HTML input form, # or whether the form has been filled and now the results need to be displayed, # or whether this program is being run in batch mode from the command line. #=================================================================================================== sub get_program_mode { $global->{'program_mode'} = 'command-line'; if (defined($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'})) { if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { $global->{'program_mode'} = 'cgi-output'; } else { $global->{'program_mode'} = 'cgi-display-form'; } } else { $global->{'program_mode'} = 'command-line'; } } #=================================================================================================== # html code for the graphics part of the header of the html page #=================================================================================================== sub html_code_for_graphics_header { my $title = shift; my $html_code = ''; $html_code .= "
\n" . "\n" . #" style='background-image: url(\"bluegold.gif\");\n" . #" background-attachment: fixed;\n" . #" background-position: top right;\n" . #" background-repeat: no-repeat;'>\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . "
\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . #" \n" . #" \n" . " \n" . " \n" . "
\n" . " $title\n" . " \n" . #" $title\n" . #" \n" . #" \n" . #" \n" . " \n" . "
\n" . "
\n" . "
\n" . "
"; return $html_code; } #=================================================================================================== # html code for the header of the html page #=================================================================================================== sub html_header { my $title = 'RENUMBER ATOM NUMBERS IN PDB FILE'; print $q->header(); print #$q->start_html(-title=>$text_title), "$title\n", '' . "\n", "\n"; my $output_line = html_code_for_graphics_header($title); print $output_line; } #=================================================================================================== # html code for the footer of the html page #=================================================================================================== sub html_footer { print $debug . "
\n"; print "

\n"; print "SOURCE CODE : renumberpdbatoms_pl.txt
\n"; print "

\n"; print "COPYRIGHT :
\n"; print "Copyright © 2010 Emma Rath. All rights reserved.
\n"; print "Soon this program will be released under an open source software license such as GNU General Public License or
\n"; print "Creative Commons license for Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License at creativecommons.org
\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print $q->end_html(); } #=================================================================================================== # initialise global and program variables before starting processing. #=================================================================================================== sub init { my %global_hash; $global = \%global_hash; $global->{'got_error'} = 0; $global->{'err_msg'} = ''; my %input_hash; $input = \%input_hash; $input->{'infile'} = ''; $input->{'chain'} = ''; $input->{'add'} = ''; $input->{'whereto'} = ''; $input->{'h'} = ''; $input->{'help'} = ''; my @input_lines; $input->{'input_lines'} = \@input_lines; } #=================================================================================================== sub is_valid_chain { my $chain = shift; my $is_ok = 0; if (length($chain) <= 1) { $is_ok = 1; } return $is_ok; } #=================================================================================================== sub is_valid_decimal { my $input_integer = shift; my $return = 1; if ($input_integer !~ /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/) { $return = 0; } else { if ($input_integer < 1) { $return = 0; } } return $return; } #=================================================================================================== sub is_valid_integer { my $input_integer = shift; my $return = 1; if ($input_integer !~ /^\d+$/) { $return = 0; } else { if ($input_integer < 1) { $return = 0; } } return $return; } #=================================================================================================== sub is_valid_add_number { my $input_integer = shift; my $return = 1; if ($input_integer !~ /^-?\d+$/) { $return = 0; } return $return; } #=================================================================================================== # in command line mode, output some text help #=================================================================================================== sub output_command_line_help { my $command_line_help_text = ''; $command_line_help_text .= "Here are some examples of calling this program in command line mode :\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "\n"; $command_line_help_text .= " perl -T renumberpdbatoms.pl -infile 1ZOY.pdb -add 200\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "This program reads in a PDB 3D file, renumbers all the atoms in the file,\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "for lines starting with ATOM or HETATM (atom number is columns 7-11),\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "and for lines starting with CONECT (atom numbers in columns, 7-11, 12-16, 17-21, 22-26, 27-31),\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "by adding the given number to the atom number.\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "The given number can be a negative number (so that a number is subtracted from each atom number).\n"; $command_line_help_text .= "\n"; print $command_line_help_text; } #=================================================================================================== # a perl utility subroutine - remove leading and trailing blanks from a string #=================================================================================================== sub trim { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } #=================================================================================================== # untaint file name #=================================================================================================== sub untaint { my $path = shift; # user_error("path cannot contain metacharacters") if $path=~/[\n|<>&!;\'\"]/; # extract only legal alphanumerics from the filename # $path =~ m!(/[a-zA-Z/0-9._~\-]+)!; # $path =~ /([\w"-"".""_"]+)/; $path =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9._~\-]+)/; if (defined($1)) { $path = $1; } else { $path = ''; } # user_error("path cannot contain relative directories") # if $path=~m!\.\.!; return $path; }