Please provide a PDB file with the chain id in column 22.
Upload the PDB file from your computer.
Please note that this PDB file is not validated, so make sure that it is a valid PDB file.

Enter the PDB file contents here.
Please note that these PDB file contents are not validated, so make sure that they are valid PDB file contents.
(Provide either a file or enter the contents here, not both.
If both provided, then contents here will be processed instead of uploaded file.)

Add this number to each residue number in the chain : (mandatory field, can be negative)

Chain whose residues are to be renumbered : (optional field, all residues residues will be renumbered if left blank)

Renumber residues from residue number : (optional field)

Renumber residues to residue number : (optional field)

Display results on screen
Write results to output file

SOURCE CODE : renumberpdbchain_pl.txt

Copyright © 2010 Emma Rath. All rights reserved.
Soon this program will be released under an open source software license such as GNU General Public License or
Creative Commons license for Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License at